Saturday, December 12, 2009

2010, An Exciting Year

My brothers, I want to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to serve as the Master of Corinthian Lodge No. 67 for the ensuing year. It seems like only yesterday that I was first introduced to the Lodge. My mentor, WB Don, gave me the tools and the encouragement to improve myself as a Mason, learning the Craft, and being a faithful member of the Lodge.

This year is turning out to be great. With the impressive work by WB Paul and the brothers last year, including refinishing the floor, rededicating the building, and gaining statewide press for our little country lodge, just to name a few.

The installation for the 2009-2010 officers was extremely well-attended. We had all but one officer installed on Sunday. We also had almost all seats filled in the Lodge room. The other officers and myself could not have asked for better support by our families and friends. I would like to thank my wife for being supportive, my parents for giving me guidance, my brother and his fiancée as well as my Grandparents for being there on my special day.

For 2010, I am using three guiding principles to continue to improve, our Lodge: experimentation, excellence, and excitement. Masonry is standing at a signpost, uncertain of which route it should take. We can continue our usual course of elegiac memories of days gone by or we can reinvent who and what we are while holding to the great traditions of our past.

One of our first experiments will be the initiating of five candidates using a combined Table Lodge/EA degree. This event should prove to be incredibly fun and informative. It is not often that we can celebrate Masonry and do degree work simultaneously. I have complete confidence in the Junior Warden, Joel, and his Steward crew, Dan and Art, to make this Table Lodge a great experience for the candidates and brothers alike.

As we, as Masons, should also dedicate ourselves to our community, we will be participating in many more fundraising events, directing that money back into the community. Bro. Rick has graciously taken up the challenge of finding the best way to raise those funds and continue our long tradition of giving back.

We will also be holding many more schools of instruction. This is my dedication to excellence. I want each new candidate recognize our dedication to them as Masons by witnessing our great ritual work. By implementing schools of instruction during meetings and also on non-meeting days, we will improve ourselves in Masonry.

I hope to continue to improve our Lodge facilities. One new way to do this is by finally finishing the Social/Library room during this summer. WM Kerry has whipped up a beautiful plan for finally utilizing the space on the North side of the Lodge Hall. We will be able to display the centuries-old Masonic literature and create a comfortable room to play Cribbage or to just rest on the new couches we will be purchasing and read our extensive collection of manuscripts.

Finally, I would like to see increased attendance at our Lodge functions. If you need a ride to Farmington Masonic temple, we can arrange for one. If you want to push forward a new activity, let us know. The insights and experience that you bring to this band of brothers is timely and essential for making Masonry strong once again in Dakota county and the entire state.

This year will be going by fast and I will need each and every one of you if we are to continue the great traditions of our honorable lodge. Currently, we are looking for a new member for the Cemetery Board, we need some brothers to help with organizing our fundraising events with Bro. Rick, and we need brothers to get involved in the informal schools of instruction. This list is not exclusive and if you would like to help out in other ways, please contact me or any of the other officers. We have many other opportunities for you to participate. I humbly thank all of my brothers for giving me this opportunity and I’m excited for what the future holds.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Corinthian Lodge #67 Rededicates Lodge Building

On Saturday, October 10th, my Lodge, Corinthian Lodge #67 of Farmington Minnesota, will be rededicating our Lodge building. The local paper, the Farmington Independent, has published an article about this event. Worshipful Brother Paul Hardt, the current Master of the Lodge, is quoted in the article:

We want to invite the entire community to attend this wonderful celebration. With all the interest people have shown in Masons and Freemasonry, through Dan Brown’s books, and the ‘National Treasure’ movies, we wanted everyone to see just what Masons do and what we are all about.
Corinthian Lodge is one of the oldest Lodges in the state of Minnesota. It was originally founded by returning Civil War soldiers in 1867. It initially met in various locations including the Odd Fellows Lodge building until Corinthian could afford our own building. Sadly, that building burned down in the Great Fire of Farmington (thankfully, the charter survived). The Lodge would not have a building of its own until 1914, the same building that we continue to meet in to this day.

Some of the invited guests include the Grand Master of Masons in Minnesota as well as the rest of the Grand Line. If you are in the area and would like to see the new refurbished Lodge hall as well as to see just what we do, come out to downtown Farmington. The event will begin at 4 pm. I will also post a map below to find Farmington Masonic Temple. We hope to see you there!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Holiday Potluck

Originally Posted by sjburnt on Wed, 12/17/2008 - 5:39pm

This intrepid band of Travelers met for the Holiday Potluck, in spite of bad weather. A good time was had by all!

Installation of Officers 11-28-2008

Originally Posted by sjburnt on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 7:44pm

Corinthian Masons Help 83 Kids with KidsID

Originally posted by: w-dejo on Wed, 07/09/2008- 10:05am

Corinthian Lodge was active at this year's Rambling River Days Craft Fair, putting together 83 KidsID kits for local children and their families. The effort was coordinated by Senior Warden Paul Hardt, and Tom Holten, Randy Poulson, and Worthy Matron Dawn Lund.

"It was great seeing all the kids come by our table at the Craft Fair," Senior Warden Paul said. "They were having fun at the Fair, and the parents really appreciated the KidsID kits. We're really doing a service to our community."

"It was also very nice to work with our Worthy Matron Dawn. She's a great person and we both hope we can find other ways of getting the Star and the Masons to work together on more projects."

Right now, it's not clear whether Rambling River Days will be held next year. If not, the Lodge could still do a KidsID in Downtown Farmington, on the sidewalk outside of the Lodge Hall, at the Library, or in a similar location.

A coordinator will be needed for next year. The great thing is that this is a well-laid out project and it really runs itself. Masons will be contacted about getting involved.